Resistensi Beberapa Varietas Bawang Merah Terhadap Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides

Hekmawati Hekmawati, Susilo Hambeg Poromarto, Salim Widodo


Shallot is an important vegetable because it is needed for seasoning and beneficial for health. One of the problems in shallot cultivation is the decrease in productivity due to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides attack that caused anthracnose disease. The use of resistant varieties is a solution to control C. gloeosporioides which is safe and doesn't cause environmental damage. Shallot consists of many varieties, but their resistance level remains unknown. The research aimed to test the resistance of some varieties of shallots to C. gloeosporioides. Shallots varieties tested are Tajuk, Bauji, Bima Curut, Bima Rajat, Bali Lancur and Bali Karet. The research used a one-factor completely randomized design with 12 treatments and 5 replications. The results of the research showed that Tajuk, Bima Curut, Bali Lancur and Bali Karet varieties were highly susceptible due to disease severity of more than 71%, have a faster incubation period of anthracnose, high disease incidence and a significant decrease in tuber. Bauji and Bima Rajat varieties are classified as susceptible varieties due to disease severity of 64% but have a longer incubation period of anthracnose, higher number of tubers, higher fresh and dry weight of tubers and lower reduction in the number and weight of tubers.


Anthracnose; Susceptible Variety; Disease Severity

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