Pengaruh Frekuensi Pemberian MOL terhadap Hasil dan Kualitas Hasil Beberapa Varietas Padi Hitam

Isnaini Hermina, Edi Purwanto, Suharto P Raharjo


Black rice is a plant that has a functional of high fiber content. Organic cultivation of black rice is using by local microorganism. The function of local microorganism is to stimulate the growth of black rice and protecting the environment. This study aims to assess the effect of giving pineapple local microorganism for growth, yield, and harvest quality of Bantul and Padang Black Rice. The research was conducted at Greenhouse in Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University from January to June 2014 with completely randomized design of two factors: the variety and frequency of giving local microorganism. Data analysis was performed with a level of 5% and the F test followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test Test (DMRT) at 5% level and fiber content test performed descriptively. The highest grain yield pithy from Bantul Black Rice is 2,47 g and 2,37 g for Padang Black Rice.


Black rice; Local microorganism; Fiber

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