Perbandingan Komposisi Ukuran Serat Batang Aren dengan Pasir Sebagai Substrat Hidroponik Seladaarenga wood fiber composition; sand; fiber size; lettuce; hydroponic substrate

Dwi Hardjoko, Sumiyati Sumiyati


Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is vegetables with high nutrient content and interest more people, meanwhile producing optimum, yet, therefore, need hydroponic substrate to increase productivity. The orange wood fiber is a waste produced by palm industry manufacturer. The waste of Arenga wood fibers has not used maximum yet, so if it’s piled up will be affects the ecosystem in around. We need to utilize the waste of Arenga wood fiber to be a substrate hydroponic. The aim of this research is to know the maximum of Arenga wood fiber composition in several sizes which is combined with the sands. It’s for increasing the growth and lettuce yield. The method of this research is completely randomized design with two factorials. They are the Arenga wood fiber composition with sand and size of Arenga wood fiber. The main variable of observation is root length, wide of leaves, and fresh weight of lettuce. The result of observation showed that the Arenga wood fiber composition and the sand composition for cultivation lettuce consist of 25% of Arenga wood fiber and 75% (1:3) of various size of sand. The highest root was 12.6 cm and it produced wide of leaves was 1602.3 cm2 and increased the fresh plants until 53.7 g.


arenga wood fiber composition; sand; fiber size; lettuce; hydroponic substrate

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