Aplikasi Pasir dan Serat Batang Aren sebagai Substrat pada Budidaya Cabai Keriting secara Hidroponik

Rhian Pambudi, Dwi Hardjoko, Endang Setia Muliawati


This research aims for finding out the response of chili to type of sound and composition of substrate in hydroponic systems and obtain the optimal composition of substrate in chili planting hydroponically. This research started from August 2014 until February 2015 at Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta using Completely Randomized Design that consists of two factors. First factor was sand type with 3 levels and the second one the composition of substrate with 4 levels. Data of observation result have been analyzed based on F test at 5% grade and average comparison test using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% grade. The Pearson Correlation test is used for analyzing to observe the relation of inter variable. The type of sand is not interacting with the composition of substrate except at observation of green leaves. The best growing and development of chili is at pure sand beach has the highest value it can be seen from fresh weight of root, root dry weight, plant height and canopy fresh weight, and the composition of the substrate (sand: palm wood fiber) 3:1 indicated by the root dry weight, plant height, canopy fresh weight, shoot dry weight, the weight of fruit per plant and the sum of fruits per plant.


hydroponic substrate; sand; arenga palm wood fiber; chili

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