Kombinasi Jenis Pasir dengan Serat Batang Aren serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tomat secara Hidroponik Substrat

Shufiyati Muniroh, Dwi Hardjoko, Sumiyati Sumiyati


This study aims to measure the effect of volcanic sand, native sea sand and sea sand washing substrate on the growth and yield of tomatoes, measuring the effect of arengan wood fiber substrate on growth and yield of tomatoes, measuring the effect of the combination of volcanic sand, native sea sand and sea sand washing with arenga wood fiber substrate compared to the growth and yield of tomato. The research was conducted from August to December 2014 in the screen house Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University. This study uses a completely randomized design with 1 factors with 14 treatment. The analysis of the data was tested using the F test level of 5%. After that, if the result F tests 5% significant, the analysis continued with DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) level of 5%. The results showed treatment volcanic sand, native sea sand and sea sand washing substrate produce growth and good results in tomatoes when watering is often done so that the plants do not wilt. Arenga wood fiber substrate treatment resulted in poor growth of the roots and results of tomatoes. Treatment volcanic sand, native sea sand sea sand washing genuine with arenga wood fiber (1: 1) to produce growth and good results on tomato plants.


tomato; volcanic sand;sea sand; arenga wood fiber

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