Agrosains : Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi

Journal title
  Agrosains: Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi
Print ISSN
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  2 issues per year
  Endang Yuniastuti
Managing Editor
  Amalia Tetrani Sakya
Publisher  Universitas Sebelas Maret

Agrosains: Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi is an agricultural journal published twice a year (April and October) managed and published by Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret in collaboration with Indonesia Agronomy Association (PERAGI). This journal publishes articles related to agriculture such as plant physiology, crop production, physiology and seed production, soil science, plant breeding, plant protection, agro-climatology, agroecology, and plant biotechnology.



News / Berita: New Publication Fee Increasement


Please note that manuscripts are accepted for publication in Agrosains: Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi start from Vol. 25, No. 1 April 2023 will be required to pay an article publication fee of 1000,000 IDR per article.

We are increasing the publication fee because we need to arrange some additional costs for the proofreading process and maintaining the technology operation to support processing articles (editing, reviewing, publishing and archiving). The increasing publication fee also will help and cover the subsidy for waiver authors who do not have funds to pay such fees.

Posted: 2023-03-13

Vol 26, No 2 (2024): Agrosains: Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi

Table of Contents


Sri Hartati, Sukaya Sukaya, Dwi Alma Indah Puji Astuti
Putri Salsa Afifah, Yusniwati Yusniwati, Aprizal Zainal, Ryan Budi Setiawan