The Development of PowerPoint Animated-Based Interactive Media to Improve English Reading Skills for Vocational High School Students

Suryani Suryani, Nurmida Catherine Sitompul, Hartono Hartono


Media is a crucial and inseparable part of the learning process, especially to achieve learning objectives. In this study, the model used in the development of interactive learning multimedia was the Borg & Gall model. This model was selected based on the consideration that this model is easy to understand, systematically developed, and based on the theoretical foundation of the developed learning design. The research and development stages of the Borg & Gall model consist of ten steps: (a) research and data collection, (b) planning, (c) initial product development, (d) initial product trial/limited trial, (e) improvement of the initial product, (f) more comprehensive field trial, (g) improvement of the product resulting from a broader field test, (h) final product trial, (i) revision or refinement of the final product, and (j) dissemination and implementation. The development process involved subject matter, learning design, and learning media experts to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. In addition, the English subject teacher of self-introduction material as a user of PowerPoint animation based-interactive media also offered feedback and input. The development research results revealed that this PowerPoint animation-based interactive media product had a material feasibility level of 70.66%, a learning design feasibility of 91.42%, and a learning media feasibility of 91.42%. In comparison, the small group trial rate was 81.11%, and based on field trials, 84.46% indicated very decent qualifications and did not need to be revised.


Educational Technology; Learning Media Development; E-learning; Learning Model

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