Development of Tutorial Learning Media of UNS Web-Based Online Learning System (SPADA)

Ngadimin Ngadimin, Sakroni Sakroni, Daru Wahyuningsih


As the COVID-19 pandemic struck, faculty members are mandated to conduct online learning, in which UNS SPADA is recommended as the instrument. Various efforts have been made to optimize the utilization of SPADA. A survey conducted on 80 SPADA users revealed that only 35% could utilize the app well. Since face-to-face training, socialization, and assistance for SPADA utilization are impossible to do due to the situation, web-based tutorial learning media are required to equip the users with independent manual and guidance. This research implemented a Research and Development (R&D) method through the ADDIE model. The study aims to design, develop, and implement learning media of web-based UNS SPADA tutorials in text and images. At the FGD organized by the Center of Information Technology Development for Learning (PPTIuP), LPPMP of UNS highlighted that web-based tutorial media could provide a feasible solution to guide SPADA users. Of the two assessed aspects, accessibility and visual communication obtained excellent (54%), good (41%), and adequate (5%).


tutorial, spada, elearning, ADDIE

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