Adi Magna Patriadi Nuhriawangsa, Adi Ratriyanto, Sajidan Sajidan, Catur Suci Purwati


The purpose of this study was to isolated, selected and characterized phytase bacteria derived from volcanic soil in the Guci, Tegal. Bacteria from the volcanic soil was isolated and selected on Luria Betany (LB) media containing 4% phytic acid. Selected colonies were optimized by physical character with determining the relative activity. Colonies of bacteria could be isolated from the volcanic soil, selected, and had the highest relative activity in colonies of TG3 and TG3-5. TG3-5 bacterial colonies producing phytate had the highest optimum value at a temperature of 55°C, pH 7, the incubation time of 90 minutes, the substrate concentration of 5% and a best metal cofactor on Zn2+ (10-4M). Volcanic soil in the Guci, Tegal containing phytase-producing bacteria with certain physical characteristics.A


Phytase-producing bacteria, volcanic soil, physical characteristics, the relative activity

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