Rasio Spermatozoa X:Y dan Kualitas Sperma pada Kambing Kacang dan Peranakan Ettawa

S Bintara


The objective of the study was to know the difference of X:Y spermatozoa ratio and sperm quality of Kacang and Ettawa-crossed breed goats. It was conducted at Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada for three months, starting December 2009 to February 2010. Materials of the study were sperm collected from six two-year Ettawa-crossed breed goats weighing 31.5±2.2 kg and from six two-year Kacang goats weighing 18.0±2.1 kg. The sperm was collected using artificial vagina with frequency of twice a week for each goat and it was repeated eight times. The quality and quantity of the sperm was immediately evaluated by its volume, concentration, motility, viability and abnormality. To determine the ratio of X:Y spermatozoa, smear preparation was made and spermatozoa head was then measured using Scion Image software. The results of the measurement were used for identification of X or Y spermatozoa. Spermatozoa having bigger head than the average were identified as X and those having smaller head as Y. The result showed that the ratio of X:Y spermatozoa of Ettawa-crossed breed goats (50.6±1.8:49.4±1.8 %) was not significantly difference with that of Kacang goats
(49.7±1,7:50.3±1.7 %). Sperm volume of Ettawa-crossed breed goats (1.00±0.2 ml) was higher than that of Kacang goats (0.62±0.2 ml). Sperm concentration of Ettawa-crossed breed goats (2,865±431 million/ml) was not significantly difference compared to that of Kacang goats (2,840±383 million/ml). Spermatozoa motility of Ettawa-crossed breed goats (66.7±9.8 %) was higher (P<0.05) than that of Kacang goats (50.0±7.1 %). Spermatozoa viability of Ettawa-crossed breed goats (80.0±7.1 %) was higher (P<0.05) than that of
Kacang goats (67.5±9.4 %). Spermatozoa abnormality of Ettawa-crossed breed goats (8.2±3.3 %) was not significantly difference compared to that of Kacang goats (8.6±2.4 %). The study was concluded that the breeds of Ettawa-crossed breed and Kacang goats have indifferent ratio of X:Y spermatozoa, while the sperm volume, motility and viability of Ettawacrossed breed goats was better than that of Kacang goats.

Key words: XY spermatozoa, quality and quantity, Ettawa-crossed breed, Kacang.

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