Performans Pertumbuhan Kambing Boerawa di Village Breeding Centre, Desa Dadapan, Kecamatan Sumberejo, Kabupaten Tanggamus, Provinsi Lampung

Sulastri Sulastri, Sumadi Sumadi, T Hartatik, N Ngadiyono


The objective of research were to evaluate grading up program of Boer buck and Ettawa grade goat (EGG) doe at Village Breeding Centre (VBC) Dadapan village, Sumberejo subdistrict, Tanggamus regency by studying growth performance EGG, Boerawa grade 1 (BG1), and Boerawa grade 2 (BG2). Survey method was used in this research. Recording for growth performance of 525 heads EGG, 450 heads BG1, and 175 heads BG2 possessed by Karya Makmur III farmer group that was member of the VBC. Variables observed were body weight and body measurements at birth, weaning, and yearling. Data was analysed by analysis for variance of Completely Randomized Design for one way lay out. Difference of mean were analysed by Duncant’s Multiple Range Test. The average of birth weight of EGG (2,79±0,66 kg) were lower than that of BG1 (3,22±0,64 kg), however that of BG1 were not different with BG2 (3,02±0,89 kg). The average of weaning weight of EGG (18,28±0,053 kg) were lower than that of BG1 (19,89±5,72 kg) however that of BG1 were not different with that of BG 2 (19,67±1,54 kg). The average of yearling weight of EGG (39,89±7,26 kg) were lower than that of BG1 however that of BG1(43,49±6,15 kg) were not different with BG2 (42,27±2,12 kg). The absolute preweaning and postweaning average daily gain (ADG) of EGG, BG1, and BG2 were not different. Relative preweaning ADG of EGG (7,95±0,69%) were higher (P<0.05) than that of BG1 (3,57±0,14%) and BG2 (4,77±0,64%) however that of BG1 were not different with BG2. Relative postweaning ADG of EGG (0,60±1,31%) were higher than that of BG1 (0,37±0,01%) and BG2 (0,43±0,07%). Average of postweaning ADG of BG1 and BG2 were different (P<0.05). Its conclusion that growth performance of BG2 have not optimum.

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