Aksesibilitas Sumber Pakan Ternak Ruminansia pada Musim Kemarau di Daerah Pertanian Lahan Kering

Eka Handayanta, Endang Tri Rahayu, Mufti Ari Wibowo


This aim of this research to find out the level of easiness or difficulty of beef cattle farmers in
obtaining feedstuff in the dry season in dry land farming area . The research was take place in the
village of Kemejing, District of Semin, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta from August to October
(dry season). The research with survey method on the techniques of Participatory Rural Appraisal
(PRA). Thirty (30) farmers as respondents, with 2-3 cows ownership provisions, and have a minimum
of 2 years on the experience of raising cattle. Accessibility to sources of feedstuff were observed
related to the origin of feed, feed resources and location distance or using time, purchase feeds,
availability of labor and time needed in looking for feed. Results of the research were reported by
descriptive. The results showed that the average of the five observed variables, namely the origin of
feed, distance and time, the purchase of feed, labor availability and the search time, obtained score
are successively 0.77; 0.73; 0.96; 0.71 and 0.88, so that the total score was 4.05 and it is called in
easy criteria. The conclusion from this study is the accessibility of feed for cattle in dryland farming
areas in the dry season is easy.


Accessibility, beef cattle, dry land, dry season, feed

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