Pengaruh konsep diri lingkungan teman sebaya dan kompetensi pedagogik guru terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa

Endah Mayangsari, Hery Sawiji, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


The purpose of the research was to find out (1) the effect of self-concept on students' critical thinking skills, (2) the influence of the peer environment on students' critical thinking skills, (3) the influence of the teacher's pedagogical competence on students' critical thinking skills, 4) the influence of self-concept, peer environment, and teacher pedagogical competence together on students' critical thinking skills. This research is quantitative research with the correlational method. The population in this study amounted to 216 students of the Office Management and Business Services expertise program. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling with 138 students. The results of this study indicate: (1) there is a significant positive effect of self-concept on students' critical thinking skills (tvalue 6.009> ttable 1.656), (2) there is a significant positive effect of peer environment on students' critical thinking abilities (tvalue 2.907> ttable 1.656), (3) there is no positive effect of the teacher's pedagogical competence on students' critical thinking skills (tvalue -.249<ttable 1.656), (4) there is a significant positive influence of self-concept, peer environment, and teacher pedagogic competence together on students' critical thinking skills (Fvalue 20.526>Ftable 2.67).


critical thinking skills, peer environment, self concept, teacher pedagogic competence

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