Pengaruh fasilitas perpustakaan dan pelayanan pustakawan terhadap minat kunjung siswa di perpustakaan SMK Wikarya Karanganyar

Dyah Adinda Brilliant Permatahati, Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati, Patni Ninghardjanti


The aim of this research is to determine the influence of library facilities on the interest of OTKP students in visiting the Library of SMK Wikarya Karanganyar, the influence of librarian services on the interest of OTKP students in visiting the Library of  SMK Wikarya Karanganyar, and the influence of library facilities and librarian services on the interest of OTKP students in visiting the Library of SMK Wikarya Karanganyar. This research utilizes a quantitative descriptive method. The population consists of all OTKP students, as many as 93 students. The sampling technique used is proportional accidental sampling with a sample size of 75 students. Data collection methods include questionnaires, observations, and document analysis. The data analysis employs multiple linear regression analysis with prerequisite tests such as normality, linearity, and multicollinearity tests. The results of this research are as follows: (1) There is a significant positive influence of library facilities on the interest of OTKP students in visiting the Library of SMK Wikarya Karanganyar, with a value of tvalue3,751 > ttable  1,993 with a significant of value 0,000 < 0,05. (2) There is a significant positive influence of librarian services on the interest of  OTKP  students in visiting the  Library of  SMK  Wikarya Karanganyar, with a value of thalue   2,206 > ttabel 1,993 with significant value 0,024 < 0,05. (3) There is a significant positive simultaneous influence of library facilities and librarian services on the interest of OTKP students in visiting the Library of SMK Wikarya Karanganyar, with a value of Fhitung 35.000 > Ftabel 3,12 with a significant value of 0,000 < 0,05.




facilities; services,; visit Interest

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