Aplikasi presensi online “SiPedro” di BKPSDM Kota Surakarta

Rafa Shena Arifin, Wiedy Murtini, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


This research was conducted to know: 1) How to apply “SiPedro” BKPSDM Office of Surakarta City, 2) Obstacles faced in the application of the "SiPedro" application, and 3) The efforts made by the BKPSDM Office of Surakarta City in dealing with the obstacles to the application of the "SiPedro" application. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. This research was conducted at the BKPSDM Office of Surakarta City. This research uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The results showed that: 1) Implementation of the "SiPedro” application at the BKPSDM Office of Surakarta City consisting of activities: a) Planning and preparation, b) Implementation, c) Monitoring and evaluation. 2) Obstacles in implementing "SiPedro" at BKPSDM Surakarta City Barriers to the implementing of the "SiPedro" application which include: a) Operating system iOs is not yet available, b) There is an illegal presence, c) Application server "SiPedro" often has problems, and 3) The efforts made by the BKPSDM Office of Surakarta City in dealing with these obstacles include: a) Added the "SiPedro" application operating system update for iOs, b) Provide punishment for persons who perform illegal attendance, c) Attempt server repair.


online presence; SIPEDRO; system

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