Pengelolaan arsip dinamis pada Kantor Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa di Kabupaten Karanganyar

Anggit Pratama, Wiedy Murtini, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


This study aims to find out how the creation of dynamic archives, the use of dynamic archives, the maintenance of dynamic archives, and the shrinkage of dynamic archives at the Karanganyar District Dispermades office. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Research data were obtained from places or facilities, instruments, as well as documents and archives by sampling using purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data was collected using interview, observation, and document analysis techniques. The Data validity test is obtained by 1) credibility test, 2) transferability test, 3) dependability test, and 4) confirmability test. Data analysis techniques use interactive model data analysis with stages: 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation, and 4) concluding. The results showed that: 1) Dynamic archive creation goes with manually creating dynamic archives. Every incoming and outgoing mail is well managed from receipt to storage in the filing cabinet. 2) The use of dynamic archives includes borrowing archives that have not implemented systematic lending procedures, and manual rediscovery of archives takes 4-7 minutes.  3) Dynamic archive maintenance is carried out by regularly cleaning the storage area and providing archive deterrent materials from insects such as camphor and other deterrent materials. 4) Dynamic archive shrinkage has not implemented a systematic archive shrinkage procedure.


archive; dynamic archive; dynamic archive management

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