Komunikasi interpersonal guru dan iklim komunikasi dalam pengaruhnya terhadap minat belajar siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi

Dwi Anggoro, Tri Wahyu Retno Ningsih


This research aimed to determine (1) the effect of teachers' interpersonal communication on students' interest in learning at SMAN 5 Depok. (2) the effect of communication climate on students' interest in learning at SMAN 5 Depok. (3) the influence between the quality of teachers' interpersonal communication and communication climate in the classroom on students' interest in learning at SMAN 5 Depok. This research is quantitative research with a correlational approach. The population in this research were all SMA Negeri 5 Depok students who studied Economics, totaling 929 students. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling with a sample of 280 students. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation. The results of this research are: (1) Students' interest in learning was strongly influenced by the teacher's interpersonal communication with a significance value of 0.004 (t-statistic 2,931 > t-table 1,969). (2) The communication climate in the classroom has a strong effect on students' interest in learning, with a significant influence strength value of 0.000 (t-statistic 11,918 > t-table 1,969). (3) there is a simultaneous relationship between the teacher's interpersonal communication variables and the communication climate with students' interest in learning with an R² value of 0.656 (F-statistic 264,7 > F-table 3,028).


Classroom Communication Climate, Interpersonal Communication, Interest in learning, Quantitative

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