Pelaksanaan job description pegawai di DPMPTSP Kota Surakarta

Lutfiana Fatjriah Anjaswati, Tri Murwaningsih, Nur Rahmi Akbarini


This study aims to: (1) determine the implementation of employee job descriptions; (2) know the obstacles in implementing employee job descriptions; and (3) find out the solution to the problem of implementing the job description at DPMPTSP Surakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. This study's data sources include informants, places, events, and documents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data collection techniques used semi-structured interviews, passive participatory observation, and document analysis. The validity of this research was tested using technical triangulation and source triangulation. Data analysis uses an interactive model to make the research results easy to understand. The results of this study are: (1) The implementation of employee job descriptions at the Surakarta City DPMPTSP guided by the Vision and Mission, Surakarta Mayor Regulation Number 40 of 2021, and Surakarta Mayor's Decree Number 800.1/97.1 of 2021, the preparation has taken into account the principles of Systematic, Clear, Concise, Precise, and Obedient, and the placement of employees who are not in accordance with the Decree of the Mayor of Surakarta Number 800.1/97.1 of 2021; (2) Obstacles in employee job descriptions in the form of the slow process of fulfilling the number of employees, the absence of work SOPs, increasing workloads for some employees, and restrictions on opening student internships during the pandemic; and (3) The solution to the problem of implementing employee job descriptions is submitting a proposal for a shortage of employees to the Surakarta City BKD, compiling work SOPs, proposing workload distribution, and utilizing existing human resources.


human resources; job description; workload; qualitative

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