Pengaruh komunikasi dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap kinerja karyawan (Studi pada karyawan swalayan Luwes Gading)

Puspita Kusuma Ningrum, Tri Murwaningsih, Anton Subarno


This study aims to know (1) the effect of communication on employee performance, (2) the Effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance, and (3) the Effect of communication and emotional intelligence simultaneously on employee performance. This research is quantitative research with a correlational research design. The population in this study were all permanent employees of Luwes Gading Supermarkets, totaling 80 employees. The sampling technique used was the non-probability sampling technique with a saturated sample technique. The data analysis technique is a classic assumption test and multiple linear regression with SPSS 25 for Windows. The results showed that: 1) There was a positive and significant effect of communication on employee performance at Luwes Gading Supermarkets. This is evidenced by tcount > ttable (3.618 > 1.991) at a significance level of 5%; 2) There was a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance at Luwes Gading Supermarkets. This is evidenced by tcount > ttable (2,485 > 1,991) at a significance level of 5%; 3) There was a positive and significant influence between communication and emotional intelligence simultaneously on employee performance at Luwes Gading Supermarkets. This is evidenced by tcount > ttable (115.702 > 3.11) at a significance level of 5%. With the effective contribution of Communication (X1) of 45%, the effective contribution of Emotional Intelligence (X2) of 30%, and the relative contribution of Communication (X1) of 60%, the relative contribution of Emotional Intelligence (X2) of 40%.



communication; emotional intelligence; employee performance

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