Kualitas pelayanan publik pada Dinas Administrasi Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Surakarta

Ita Nugrahini, Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum, Muhammad Choerul Umam


The bureaucratic group makes an effort to help the community achieve certain objectives by providing public service. This study aims to determine: 1) Service quality of the Surakarta City Population Administration and Civil Registration Service; 2) Supporting and inhibiting factors of the Surakarta City Population Administration and Civil Registration Service; and 3) Efforts to overcome obstacles or inhibiting factors in the implementation of public services at the Population Administration Service and Civil Registration of Surakarta City. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection was done through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used interactive model analysis with the following stages: 1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation, and 4) drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that: 1) The quality of public services has implemented five dimensions of service quality, but there are several indicators that are not in accordance with community expectations; 2) There are supporting factors for the implementation of services, including a) support facilities and tools; b) the existence of services online; and c) support for work motivation among employees. Inhibiting factors in the implementation of services include: a) the public does not know about online services; b) an unstable internet network; c) online services that often experience interruptions; d) the "Dukcapil in the Grip" application can only be downloaded on the PlayStore; Efforts made by the Population Administration and Civil Registration Office of Surakarta City in dealing with these obstacles include: a) socialization of service users related to online services through the "Dukcapil in the Grip" application; b) internet network improvement; and c) repair and development of the "Dukcapil in the Grip" application.


public service, quality, socialization

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