Peningkatan keterampilan public speaking melalui metode Monroe’s Motivated Sequence kelas XI OTKP SMKN 1 Surakarta

Brigita Verisda Yuliana, Wiedy Murtini, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


This study aims to improve students’ public speaking skills by using MMS methods in class XI OTKP SMK N 1 Surakarta on the subject of public relations governance and protocol automation. This research is classroom action research. The research was divided into two cycles, where each cycle consisted of planning, implementing actions, observing and collecting data, and reflecting. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, tests, and documents. Data validity uses source-triangulation techniques, comparing data, and concluding data. Data analysis used simple quantitative data analysis, public speaking skills observation, qualitative data analysis, and comparative descriptive analysis. The research procedure formed two cycles that had four stages that were interrelated in each cycle. Based on the data collected from pre-action, cycles I and II have continued to increase. The results of pre-action show there were 8 students (23,5%) who were declared complete; on cycle I, there were 18 students (52,9%); on cycle II, there were as many as 25 students (73,5%). The public speaking skills data result is based on students’ communication assessments. The conclusion of this study is that the application of the MMS method can improve public speaking skills for students of OTKP SMK N 1 Surakarta.


communications, Monroe's Motivated Sequence, public speaking

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