Pengelolaan tata ruang kantor pada Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Surakarta

Farhatun Nihayah, Anton Subarno, Muhammad Choerul Umam


This study aims to determine the existing office layout in the Manpower Office of Surakarta City. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Sources of data used are informants, documents, places, and events. The subject-taking technique used purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The validity of the data depends on the triangulation of source data and the triangulation of methods. The data analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model. The types of spatial planning in the Surakarta City Manpower Office are open. This study shows that (1) the spatial layout of the Surakarta City Manpower Office has not been fully implemented as an office layout. (2) The factors that affect employee work comfort consist of lighting, air conditioning, ventilation, and wall colors that are good enough to encourage employees to be more comfortable doing their jobs. (3) There are still obstacles to the effective arrangement of office space.  


employee activities, office layout, performance

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