Tedy Teguh Cahyono, Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati, Tri Murwaningsih


The purpose of this study is to determine: 1) Active dynamic archive management at the Sukoharjo Population and Civil Registration Office, 2) Obstacles encountered during the active dynamic archive management process at the Sukoharjo Population and Civil Registration Office, and 3) Solutions to overcome obstacles encountered during the active dynamic archive management process at the Sukoharjo Population and Civil Registration Office. This is a descriptive qualitative study employing a case study technique. The study was carried out at the Population and Civil Registration Office in Sukoharjo. Purposive sampling and snowball sampling were used to collect data from places and events, instruments, papers, and archives. Data was gathered through interviews, observations, and document analysis. Test the validity of the data obtained by triangulation of sources and triangulation of methods. The data analysis technique used interactive model data analysis. The results showed that: 1) active dynamic archive management at the Sukoharjo Population and Civil Registration Service includes: planning, organizing, implementing, and maintenance. 2) the management of active dynamic archives at the Sukoharjo Population and Civil Registration Service, there are several obstacles including the lack of human resources, rediscovery of old archives, and the lack of facilities and infrastructure to support active dynamic archive management, and 3) Solutions in overcoming some of the obstacles that arise. found in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Sukoharjo, among others, looking for human resources in accordance with the competence of archives, making special agenda book for all types of archives according to their classification, and planning budgeting to complete the facilities and infrastructure to manage active dynamic archives.


archive management, archives, and active dynamic archives

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