Pengaruh penggunaan smartphone dan pola belajar terhadap prestasi belajar pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran Universitas Sebelas Maret

Muhammad Ferri Hermawan, Patni Ninghardjanti, Anton Subarno


This research aims to (1) determine the effect of smartphone use on learning achievement; (2) determine the effect of learning patterns on learning achievement; and (3) determine the effect of smartphone use and learning patterns on learning achievement. This research is descriptive and quantitative. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The sampling technique was carried out by random sampling. The total sample size is 42 students. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: First, there is no positive or significant effect of smartphone use on learning achievement. Second, there is no positive or significant effect of learning patterns on learning achievement. Third, there is no positive effect of smartphone use and learning patterns together on learning achievement.


learning patterns, learning achievement, smartphone use

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