Amelia Amelia Amelia, Hery Sawiji, Patni Ninghardjanti


This study aims to determine: (1) the direct influence of school culture on teacher pedagogic competence (2) the direct influence of teacher commitment to teacher pedagogic competence (3) direct influence of organizational citizenship behavior on teacher pedagogic competence (4) direct influence of school culture on organizational citizenship behavior (5) direct influence of teacher commitment to organizational citizenship behavior (6) indirect effect of school culture on teacher pedagogic competence through organizational citizenship behavior (7) indirect effect of school culture on teacher pedagogic competence through organizational citizenship behavior. With a quantitative research method using smartPLS 2.0 software. By using the evaluation of the measurement model to see the validity and reliability of instrument and then with the evaluation of the structural model to determine the relationship between variables. The results of each variable have a direct influence on each other so that it can be continued with mediation measurements, the result is that the influence of school culture on teacher pedagogic competence is mediated by organizational citizenship behavior, while the influence of teacher commitment to teacher pedagogic competence is not mediated by organizational citizenship behavior.


school culture, teacher commitment, teacher pedagogic competence, organizational citizenship behavior

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