Mutiara Nur Sholihah, Wiedy Murtini, Susantiningrum Susantiningrum


This study aims to find out: (1) The role of mobile library in increasing society's reading interest in Surakarta; (2) Inhibitory factors of mobile libraries in carrying out their roles; (3) Efforts library barries to overcome obstacles.

This study uses qualitative descriptive methods with a case study approach. The data used is primary and secondary data. The data source comes from the source / informant, place / event, as well as the specified documents using purposive sampling techniques and snowball sampling. Data is collected through observation, interview, and document analysis. Data validity test techniques use source triangulation and technique triangulation. Data analysis techniques are carried out in stages: (1) data collection; (2) data reduction; (3) presentation of data; (4) withdrawal of conclusion. The research procedures conducted by researcher are as follow: (1) drafting proposals; (2) instrument preparation stage; (3) data collection stage; (4) data analysis stage; (5) research report stage.

The result of the research shows that: (1) The role of mobile library in increasing society’s reading interest in Surakarta, among others: (a) As a provider of information source in the form of collection of library materials for the society; (b) As a facilitator in meeting information needs and guiding the society; (c) As a means of picking the ball up. (2) Obstacles in increasing society's reading interest include: (a) Book collections that have not been able to meet the needs of the society as a whole; (b) Limited service time; (c) Lack of socialization of the schedule of mobile library locations in the society. (3) Efforts to deal with such obstacles include: (a) Procurement of library material collection; (b) extension of service time; (c) conduct a survey regarding the location of the stop.


mobile library, society’s reading interest, librarian

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