Ayum Silva Hening Nala, Hery Sawiji, Anton Subarno


This research aims to know: 1) the implementation of E-Office at Regional Secretariat of Surakarta, 2) how to solve the uneven Human Resources expertise, 3) how to solve users who are lazy to use E-Office, 4) how to solve the desire to learn from users who are lacking in implementation of  E-Office at the Regional Secretariat of Surakarta.

This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. This study uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques with the Head of Sudivision Administration and Leader as the key informant. Data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and documents analysis. The data validity test used is source triangulation and method triangulation. Data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

The result shows that: 1) e-office at the Regional Secretariat of Surakarta includes: a) e-office planning, b) implementation of e-office, c) monitoring and evaluation of the imlementation of e-office. 2) The competence of officers in the Regional Secretariat of Surakarta is still lacking, this is due to limited human resources, difficulty in submitting additional staff and the designated officer has no educational background in accordance with the work given. Efforts are made to overcome the lack of competence of officers in the implementation of e-office, namely by providing assistance and training to officers and monitoring and evaluation. 3) Efforts to overcome officers who are lazy to use the e-office at the Regional Secretariat of Surakarta, namely by affirming duties or responsibilities from the leader, encouragement from fellow officers and system simplification. 4) Efforts to overcome the low desire to learn from officers in implementation of e-office at the Regional Secretariat of Surakarta are the firmness from the leader and the division of tasks.


electronic office, technology, regional secretariat

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