Sri Handayani, Patni Ninghardjanti, Anton Subarno


The research aims to determine: 1) the management of presence information system at PT Ambassador Garmindo Sukoharjo; 2) the problems and the efforts to overcome the problems in the management of presence information system. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. The sampling technique in this study was purposive snowball sampling with the Head of Personnel of PT Dan Liris as the key informant. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observations and documents. The result of the research: (1) the management of presence system uses two systems, namely manually and in E-attendance, the company has a reason to use the management of presence information system; (a) to support the company's activities to be more effective and efficient, (b) to guarantee data accuracy, (c) to minimize paper usage, (d) the management of overtime presses is still manual. The management of presence information system is supported by supporting components of the system consisting of; (a) human resources, (b) hardware resources, (c) software resources, (d) data resources, and (e) network resources. The advantages management of presence information system; a) backup data, (b) to simplify the leader’s supervision. The disadvantages are; (a) addition of employment, (b) hinders the work of employees, (c) greater cost. (2) The problems faced are as follows: (a) system down, (b) power outage, (c) fingerprint is difficult to identify, (d) incorrect overtime presence input by the employees. The efforts carried out to overcome those problems are as follows: (a) hiring an IT technician, (b) providing a diesel generator set, (c) using barcode employee, and (d) correcting wages. 


E-attendance, Fingerprint, Presence system

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