Implementasi e-government di masa pandemi dalam pelayanan publik oleh Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Kabupaten Sragen

Haniyah Salsabila, Patni Ninghardjanti, Tutik Susilowati


Information and communication technology development in the Industrial Revolution era 4.0 caused changes in existing systems in society and government. The use of information and communication technology in the government system, especially in terms of Public Services to the community, becomes more effective, especially during a pandemic that limits the dimension of service space. E-Government used by the government can facilitate the process of submitting services from the public to the government. The author chose the Regional Government of Sragen Regency because Sragen Regency has received an award in the best of the best e-government Award 2007 from Warta Ekonomi. The author focuses on the implementation of e-government in regional devices, especially the Cooperative and SME Office of Sragen Regency, based on the results of a study of the implementation of E-Government by the Regional Government of Sragen Regency has not been implemented in all regional devices.


dinaskoperas; e-government; Sragen

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