Muhammad Hafiz, Wiedy Murtini, Tri Murwaningsih


The research aims to describe the implementation of organization communication, challenges, and solutions organizational communication at SMK Batik 2 Surakarta. The method used in this study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach using primary data in the form of interviews, observation and document analysis. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling to determine the first informant and uses a side snowball to find the second information and so on until the data is saturated. Secondary data using literature study in the form of related research. The validity test used source triangulation
The research aimed to find out : (1) The application of organizational communication at Batik 2 Surakarta has been implemented in accordance with the organizational structure in which the part studied is the form of communication consisting of formal and informal, communication mechanisms consisting of Principals and Deputy Principals, Principals and Committees, Principals and Teachers and staff, Principals and Students, Teachers and Staff, Teachers and Teachers, Staff and Staff, aspects that are communicated consisting of informal work and activities, the method used is persuasive and informative, as well as the media used, namely oral, written and electronic media as an organizational effort to achieve its goals well. (2) Obstacles that occur in the application of organizational communication include: (a) lack of coordination in carrying out tasks; (b) the limitations of some teachers in operating electronic communication media; (c) there was a misunderstanding in sending and receiving information. (3) Efforts to overcome obstacles in the application of organizational communication, namely creating good and harmonious communication between colleagues, scheduling workshops for teachers who have not been able to master electronic communication media, socialization in accordance with policies.


Communication, Organization, Vocational High School

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