Meike Ristia Isnaeni, Hery Sawiji, Sutaryadi Sutaryadi


The objective of research was to find out: (1) the application of office layout in Education Service Office of Surakarta City in realizing the work efficiency of employees; (2) the constraints faced in the implementation of office layout in Education Service Office of Surakarta City; (3) the attempt conducted in Education Service Office of Surakarta City in dealing with the constraints with office layout. This study was a descriptive qualitative research. The key informant of this research was Head of Education Service Office, meanwhile the supporting informants were Secretary of Education Service Office, Division Head, Subsection Head and Staff. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and document analysis. The sampling techniques used was purposive sampling. Meanwhile, technique of analyzing data used was an interactive analysis with activity including data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. Data validation was carried out using data and method triangulation. The results of research were as follows. (1) the building of the Education Service Office of Surakarta City was not specially designed in accordance with the needs of each section, so there was some space width that was not consistent with the type of employees’ job need. This limited space results in the too close distance between office equipment and appliances, it makes the employees’ moving space limited. The application of spatial layout principle in Education Service Office of Surakarta city was still less appropriate to the shortest distance. There were 3 (three) Subsections of Secretary of Education Service Office: General and Personnel, Financial, Planning Evaluation and Reporting Subsection placed in a separate room. Every division applies the open office spatial layout. Every room in Education Service Office of Surakarta City was equipped with Air Conditioner. Illumination comes from fluorescence lamp and window. The selection of white wall color according to the standards for government agencies office; (2) the main constrain of office layout was the lack of space for file storage. The second constrain that was related to physical condition of office building which need to be renovated; (3) the effort to overcome the constrain of room area was by adjusting the existing space with the arrangement of furniture and files.


office layout, work efficiency

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