Pengaruh Tata Ruang Kantor Dan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Tata Usaha SMK Negeri SeKabupaten Boyolali

Intan Mustikaningtyas, Hery Sawiji, Andre N. Rahmanto


This research aims to determine whether there is: (1) the influence of office layout towards employees’ perfomance (2) the influence of headmaster’s leadership towards  employees’ perfomance  (3) the influence of office layout and headmaster’s  leadership towards emploees’ performance.  This research took place at the Administration Office of SMK Negeri in Boyolali Regency. In accordance  to the problems and the objectives of the research, therefore this research uses quantitative  descriptive method. The population of this research are all of the administration  office employees of SMK Negeri in Boyolali Regency which were 160 employees consisting of 11 SMK. The samples in this research were 110 respondences by using propotional sampling as a technique of sampling. The technique of collecting data used were documentation, interview, and questionnaire. Meanwhile, the analysis data techniques used were simple regretion analysis and multiple regretion analysis. Based on the results  of the research, it can be concluded that: (1) there is significance positive influence of office layout towards employees performance of SMK Negeri in Boyolali Regency. Those can be proved by obtaining tstatistics > ttable or 5,194 > 1,980 so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted on 5% of significance level. (2) there is significance positive influence of headmaster’s leadership towards employees performance of SMK Negeri in Boyolali Regency. Those can be proved by obtaining tstatistics > ttable or 9,635 > 1,980 so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted on 5% of significance level. (3) there is significance positive influence of office layout and headmaster’s leadership together  towards employees performance of SMK Negeri in Boyolali Regency. Those can be proved by obtaining Fstatistics  > Ftable or 111,984 > 3,07 so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted on 5% of significance level.

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