Agus Sugiarto, Budiman Tampubolon, Ludovicus Manditya Hari Christanto


Good agricultural development planning requires an accurate and real-time database. This is very important to see the development and level of welfare of farmers as the spearhead of food security. Sungai Kakap Sub-district, Kubu Raya Regency is one of the sub-districts with the number of Gapoktan (23), Poktan (284), the number of members (6305) with Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) since 2019 totalling 9 civil servants and 14 people helping themselves. The number of PPLs is not proportional to the number of farmer group members, making supervision of agricultural activities difficult. The presentation of information in the form of Web GIS is expected to be a solution so that assistance, guidance, and counselling carried out by the government through the agriculture office can be right on target. The purpose of this research is to build a Web GIS-based Agricultural Information System in Sungai Kakap District so that it can be used as a model for agricultural monitoring activities in other areas. The engineering method in this research uses Remote Sensing and Waterfall methods. Remote Sensing is a method of building spatial data using aerial photo interpretation techniques, while Waterfall is used to build a web GIS as a place to display spatial data. The result of this research is Software Engineering in the form of a Web GIS-based Agricultural Information System Application. This Web GIS application can then be used as a tool to monitor the agricultural activities of each farmer group member in each farmer group.


Monitoring; Agriculture; Web GIS; Poktan; Gapoktan

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