Hikari Dwi Saputro, Chatarina Muryani, Sarwono Sarwono



This research aimed: 1) to analyze the students and the teachers’ need for e-learning media with Adobe Flash program, 2) to develop e-learning media with Adobe Flash, 3) to find out the feasibility of e-learning media with Adobe Flash program, and 4) to find out the effectiveness of e-learning media with Adobe Flash in contextual learning to improve the students’ learning outcome.The research method employed was research and development (R&D) method with Dick and Carey model’s. The sampling techniquesused were purposive sampling and simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out using validation sheet of media expert, material expert, and educator, student trial questionnaire, observation, posttest, and documentation.

The results of research were: 1) Need analysis based on dominant result included visual learning characteristics, experience with media use with often category, agree response to the presence of media use, green color visualization, and Comic Sans MS font. 2) The development of research product in the form of e-learning media with Adobe Flash program equipped with picture, map, video, and animation was used to support contextual learning model. 3) The development of e-learning media with Adobe Flash was considered as feasible to use for learning at school based on the result of validation by media expert, material expert, educator, and student trial obtaining modes of 4 (good category in Likert scale) and 5 (very good category in Likert scale) thereby meeting the minimum criteria of e-learning media feasibility with Adobe Flash program with mode of 3 (fair category in Likert scale) as specified by the author. 4) The application of e-learning media with Adobe Flash program evidently improved students’ learning outcome through Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variance t-test obtaining tstatistic = 2.85137 and ttable = 1.68488. Considering the result of Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variance t-test at significance level of 0.05, it could be concluded that H0 was not supported because tstatistic > ttable­. It means that the use of e-learning media with Adobe Flash program in contextual learning was more effective than interactive PowerPoint media in contextual learning model.


Media Development, E-learning, Contextual learning

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