Karakter Fisik Bangunan di Daerah Perbatasan Antar Negara, Studi Kasus: Aruk, Kalimantan Barat

Lestari Lestari, Syaiful Muazir, Muhammad Ridha Alhamdani, Muhammad Nurhamsyah


Aruk is part of Sebunga Village, Sajingan Besar District, Sambas Regency, west-Kalimantan. The Aruk region is directly adjacent to the country of Malaysia and developed into a Pos Lintas Batas Negara (PLBN). The existence of PLBN provides easy access that affects not only the economic and social culture, but also has an impact on the physical changes of buildings in this area. This research was conducted to recognize the physical characteristics of buildings, especially residential buildings located in the Aruk border area. 74 selected buildings were collected through observation which was strengthened by interviews with users. The variables in this study are the function, use of materials and visual form of the building's appearance. Data were analyzed to see the closeness of building characteristics, especially with the year of establishment so as to conclude the character of residential buildings in these locations. The results of the analysis show that buildings that built earlier periode in the Aruk use material that are easily found around locations, especially wood, and have a more complex appearance than the buildings after. These characteristics tend to change in line with the development of this area and increasingly easy access to the region.


characteristic; building; border; Aruk.

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