Tipologi Penyediaan Infrastruktur Perumahan di Kawasan Peri-urban Utara-Selatan Metropolitan Bandung Raya

Anita Vitriana


Bandung Municipality has been experiencing in expanding its region to become greater area as Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA).  With a very wide scope of territory, cross border-administrative, and the number of developers involved, it has led to different character of infrastructure provision, particularly between the residential in the northern and southern part of the peri-urban BMA. This study aims to identify the issues of infrastructure provision in both areas through a micro-empirical study. The character identification is in terms of availability and accessibility according to the SNI 03-1733-2004 on Procedures for Housing Environmental Planning in Urban. The typology of peri-urban areas is represented by two villages in the northern and southern of BMA. Data source is obtained by the primary and secondary method. The analysis uses the simple qualitative method and the content analysis approach. The results show that the northern housing typology is superior in terms of providing clean water infrastructure and the standard electricity capacity, but it has lack provision of commercial and trade facilities. While the southern housing typology is on the contrary. It excels in the provision of commercial and trade facilities, but it has inadequate provision of clean water and the electricity capacity.


residential, infrastructure provision, peri-urban BMA, northern-southern typology

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