Pengaruh Ventilasi Alami Terhadap Sick Building Syndrome

Fisa Savanti, Gagoek Hardiman, Erni Setyowati


The number of buildings that use air conditioner (AC), causing a lack of air change rate from the outside into the room or vice versa that can reduce indoor air quality. A bad indoor air quality is often give rise to complaints on its occupants called the "Sick Building Syndrome" (SBS). The presence of ventilation is expected to improve air quality and increase user comfort and wellness rooms. Therefore, the research on the influence of natural ventilation against sick building syndrome (SBS) is needed. This research was conducted with quantitative-descriptive methods with direct measurements of temperature, humidity and vloumetric air flow rate on samples of objects namely RSND clinic waiting room on the 2nd floor. As for analysis is carried out descriptively based on recommended standards. The purpose of doing this research is to know the influence of natural ventilation to the indoor air quality towards sick buiding syndrome. The result of this research show that the temperature, humidity and the clean air needs of the room doesn’t meet the standarts, meanwhile the air change per hour meet the standarts on some spots. So, there is some influence of the use of natural ventilation that can improve the indoor air quality which is relating to sick building syndrome.


ventilation; indoor air quality; sick building syndrome; hospital

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