Wulandari Desias


Kampung Kali Code is a dense village located along the Code River Gondokusuman District with the condition of a contoured settlement. The development of the environmental design of the Kampung Kali COde which also developed along the Code River continues to increase with the maintenance of the physical elements of the area. However, the current development of environmental design has not included the element of crime prevention. This is based on the existence of criminal acts that occur in the Kampung Kali Code area such as the theft of bicycles, motorbikes and helmets. In addition, in 2017 there were 10 cases of theft from 59 cases in the District of Gondokusuman. The approach to preventing crime through environmental design or Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is the appropriate use of the built environment to improve the quality of life through crime prevention and reduction in fear of crime. CPTED itself consists of natural surveillance, teritorial reinforcement, accessibility, and activity support maintenance. Analysis of the Kampung Kali Code environmental design on crime prevention uses the Spearman rank correlation analysis technique with the connection of existing conditions of environmental design and community perceptions of the influence of environmental design on crime prevention. Based on the research there are findings in the form of environmental design variables that will influence crime prevention, namely accesibility and maintenance of activity supporters. Some related indicators include availability of access for motorize and non-motorize vehicles, maintenance of public circulation lighting, and availability of patrol posts in guarding the area. The indicator is expected to be able to assist in the prevention of crime through the design of the Kampung Kali Code neighborhood.


Kampung Kali Code, CPTED, Environmental Design, Crime Prevention, Perception of Citizens

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