Erma Fitria Rini, Rufia Andisetyana Putri, Dara Sinta Nugraheni


Green open spaces have natural elements and structures that carry out their ecological and aesthetical roles. The population density of Surakarta City is 11675 people/km2, which has an impact on the environment, such as the declining in urban air quality. Urban air quality can be overcome by providing sufficient vegetation. The availability of green open space in Surakarta City until 2014 only reached 12.4%, which means it has not been able to meet the minimum requirement of green open space, including vegetation in it. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis with primary data and satellite imagery. Vegetation studied is not only on public green open spaces, but also on the private green open spaces. The results show that the highest dominance of land use in Surakarta City is the trade and services. Unfortunately, this is inversely proportional to the existing average availability of vegetation cover in the domination, which only reaches 7%. This can be a recommendation for the government in prioritizing the development of green open spaces on those trade and services land use so it can support the sustainable development of Surakarta City.


land use, vegetation

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