Abstract: Planning and design of stroke hospital in Surakarta as a healing environment through Sustainable Architecture approach in setting the background by a stroke as a major cause of death and disability in Indonesia, especially the city of Surakarta . Unavailability of stroke services in a holistic place and stroke recovery means it needs to act quickly affect the patient’s recovery process by utilizing the natural elements and implement energy efficiency in buildings, so the purpose of this scheme is to obtain a building design which gives the facility of prevention , treatment , recovery , and increase the independence of patients after stroke by applying the principles of sustainable architecture in creating a design environment healer . The method used is descriptive qualitative design method to analyze the theory of Sustainable Architecture and Environmental healer that can affect the healing process faster stroke . The result is a hospital building design that embodies the physical container as a healing environment for patients with stroke and able to influence the pace of the recovery process of stroke patients by applying the application of the principles of sustainable architecture .
Keyword: Healing Environment, Stroke, Sustainable Architecture
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