Pemetaan Pemangku Kepentingan dalam Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Masa Peralihan Pandemi Covid-19

Tiberias Joy Lampung, Desiderius Priyo Sudibyo


This type of research aims to look at the role of stakeholders in efforts to successfully revive the tourism sector in the context of Kemayoran culinary tourism. The research method used is descriptive research method and analysis techniques using the model from Miles and Hubberman (1992). The results of the study concluded that there were a total of eight stakeholders who were divided into four quadrants of stakeholder role theory, which showed that there was a revival of tourism for Kemayoran culinary tourism due to the role of stakeholders as subjects, key players, context setters and crowds. The resulting conclusion is that the division of roles based on the quadrant of interests and strengths of Reed's theory (2009) which collaborates with each other, has had an impact on the success of the revival of Culinary Tourism in Kemayoran. Recommendations that emerge for further related research are expected to examine the institutional sector in depth

Kata Kunci

Tourism; Jakarta Culinary; Stakeholders; Role Analysis

Teks Lengkap:



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