Community Governance dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Penyandang Disabilitas (Studi pada Komunitas Difabel Blora Mustika (DBM))

Kiki Setiyaningsih, Sri Yuliani


This study aims to determine the empowerment of people with disabilities carried out by the Blora Mustika Difabel Community (DBM) when viewed from the perspective of community governance. This study uses the theory of community governance by taking an analytical study of the elements of social capital to determine the social capital owned by the Blora Mustika Difabel Community (DBM) in implementing empowerment. In addition, this study also uses the theory of community empowerment by taking an analytical study in the form of its stages with the aim of knowing the stages of empowerment used by the Blora Mustika Difabel Community (DBM). This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research using data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The data that has been found is then analyzed using interactive model data analysis techniques and using data validity with triangulation techniques. The results showed that empowerment activities were carried out in the DBM assisted community, namely Perdifa. This is because women with disabilities have a higherstigma than men. Elements of social capital owned by the Blora Mustika Difabel Community (DBM) are used at every stage of empowerment carried out, but this research can be concluded that there are still members who lack awareness of the importance of organizing and training activities to improve hard skills skills are still limited so that expansion is carried out cooperation and submission of training programs on hard skills.

Kata Kunci

community empowerment; community governance; empowerment of persons with disabilities

Teks Lengkap:



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