Suicidal Tendencies Assessment in General Surgery Residency Programs Students with SADPERSONS Scale

Almas Mirza Murastomo, Pepi Budianto


Introduction: Suicidal tendencies among medical students, particularly General Surgery Residency Programs, are an important area of research due to the stressful environment and challenges. The SADPERSONS scale, a widely recognized tool for evaluating suicide risk, has been used in various studies to measure its effectiveness and applicability in clinical settings. This study aims to determine the level of suicidal tendencies in General Surgery Residency Programs students at Sebelas Maret University.

Metode: This study used a cross-sectional design conducted in October 2024. The population were General Surgery Residency Programs students at Sebelas Maret University. The sample was taken purposively with the inclusion criteria, active students who were willing to participate in the study. The targeted sample was 90% of the population. Measurement of suicidal tendencies was carried out using the SADPERSONS scale.

Results: There were 91.86% respondents or 79 out of 86 General Surgery Residency Programs students. The results obtained were 65 (82.27%) male respondents and 14 (17.72%) female respondents. The age distribution was 0 (0%) respondents < 19 years, 79 (100%) respondents aged 19-45 years, and 0 (0%) respondents > 45 years. This study shows that most of the General Surgery Residency Programs students of Sebelas Maret University, 94.93% of the respondents have a low tendency towards suicide, with scores of 0-5 on the SADPERSONS Scale. However, there were 5.06% of respondents who were in the more at-risk category (score 6-14) and needed special assistance.

Conclusion: The high prevalence of suicidal ideation among medical students, compounded by factors such as academic pressure and inadequate support systems, underscores the urgent need for comprehensive mental health strategies. Integrating effective assessment tools, fostering a supportive environment, and addressing the unique challenges faced by medical students can reduce suicide risk and improve overall well-being in this vulnerable population.

Keyword: Suicide, Medical Students, SADPERSONS Scale

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