Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Medical Science and Hospital Management Journal publishes original research articles or article review in the  basic medical sciences, clinic medical sciences, medical education, hospital management, and public health.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Medical Science and Hospital Management Journal is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that focuses on promoting medical sciences generated from basic sciences, clinical, community or public health research, hospital magement, and medical education to integrate researches in all aspects of human health. This journal publishes original articles, reviews, and also interesting case reports. Brief communications containing short features of medicine, latest developments in diagnostic procedures, treatment, hospital management, or other health issues that is important for the development of health care system are also acceptable. Letters and commentaries of our published articles are welcome.


Publication Frequency

Medical Science and Hospital Management Journal publishes twice in a year, July and December


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Medical Science and Hospital Management Journal

Medical Science and Hospital Management Journal publishes original research articles or article review in the basic medical sciences, clinic medical sciences, medical education, hospital management and public health.
Medical Science and Hospital Management Journal is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that focuses on promoting medical sciences generated from basic sciences, clinical, community or public health research, and medical education to integrate researches in all aspects of human health. This journal publishes original articles, reviews, and also interesting case reports. Brief communications containing short features of medicine, latest developments in diagnostic procedures, treatment, or other health issues that is important for the development of health care system are also acceptable. Letters and commentaries of our published articles are welcome.