The relationship between the severity of hernia and the level of knowledge and awareness of seeking medical treatment
Background: Hernia is one of the most common medical conditions in Indonesia, raising concerns among the public and healthcare professionals. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the level of hernia severity and the level of knowledge and treatment awareness in patients with lateral inguinal hernia at Sebelas Maret University Hospital (UNS) Surakarta.
Methods: This is a descriptive analytic-based quantitative study with a survey research design. The study sample consisted of 53 patients diagnosed with lateral inguinal hernia between 2022 and May 2023 at UNS Hospital. The purposive sampling method was used for sample selection. Data were analyzed using SPSS software, employing the Spearman test to determine the relationship between variables.
Results: There is a significant relationship between the level of hernia severity and the level of knowledge (Sig.=0.000) as well as treatment awareness (Sig.=0.000), with a significance value of <0.05 indicating a significant difference between the groups. The correlation coefficient between hernia severity and the level of knowledge is 0.665, indicating a strong correlation. The correlation coefficient between hernia severity and treatment awareness is 0.819, indicating a very strong correlation.
Conclusion: This study found a significant relationship between hernia severity and both knowledge level and treatment awareness in patients with lateral inguinal hernia. These findings underscore the importance of enhancing patient knowledge and awareness for better hernia management.
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