Optimalisasi Kualitas Pendidikan Klinik melalui Evaluasi Sistem E-Learning pada Pendidikan Dokter Muda Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

David Christopher Tjandra, Ledwin Meikel Wibisono, Cokorda Agung Pratiwi, Cokorda Agung Wahyu Purnamasidhi, Ida Ayu Sri Wijayanti, Komang Ayu Witarini, Dewa Putu Gede Purwa Samatra


Introduction: The e-learning system applied by the co-assistant doctors in Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University is Online Academic Service for E-Learning (OASE)[1]. This system integrates academic activities, enabling co-assistant doctors to access integrated learning resources[2]. As time goes by, e-learning necessitates further evaluations to improve its performance in supporting co-assistant doctors education to achieve optimal clinical education quality[3]

Methods: The google form survey method is used that is distributed to 118 co assistant doctors from class of 2018-2023 who are undergoing clinical education at Udayana University Hospital. The study design used is correlational research with a cross-sectional approach.

Results: The survey shows that 83,9% of co-assistant doctors are satisfied with the implementation of e-learning for providing materials, quizzes and assignments. However, 48.3% of them said that not all clinical stations provided it. As many as 44.1% of co-assistant doctors have difficulty accessing e-learning due to signal limitations, and 42.4% of them experience problems with the system. Buffering has hindered the learning process of 40.7% of them and 16.1% stated that the e-learning system was complicated. Many co-assistant doctors experiencing difficulty logging in and complain about the system’s slowness. The survey shows that 42.4% of co-assistant doctors agree that nonoptimal e-learning system can have a bad impact on their understanding.

Conclusion: The implementation of OASE as e-learning is still not optimal in all clinical stations, there are still many stations that have not implemented it. OASE system optimization is needed to support co-assistant doctors learning and improve their education quality.

Keywords: Clinical Station, Co-Assistant Doctors, E-learning, OASE

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