Sultan Aldavi Soenarsyach, Rahayu Relawati, Fithri Mufriantie


Citrus fruit commodities cultivated by farmers have supply chain management problems at distribution agents and citrus fruit enthusiasts on a local scale. This study aimed to analyze the supply chain management (SCM) channel, the smoothness of SCM, and the efficiency of SCM in citrus fruits. The research was conducted in Poncokusumo Village, Malang Regency. Collecting data using interviews with respondents farmers and traders of oranges. Measurement of data using a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. The descriptive analysis method is used to describe the SCM phenomenon of citrus fruits, including information flow, commodity flow, and financial flow. The results showed 2 channel citrus fruits ended up in small traders. The smoothness analysis of SCM shows that the financial flow from small traders to middlemen is less smooth than the flow of commodities from small traders to large traders. The efficiency index and farmer share results indicate that channel two is efficient. It is recommended that middlemen apply a pre-order system so that packaging costs and transportation costs do not increase and wholesalers should communicate intensely with farmers so that sales information is conveyed directly to wholesalers.


Commodity flow; Finance flow; Information flow; Marketing Channel

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