Sarah Ramadhina, Lucyana Trimo


The declining interest of the younger generation in agriculture is the main factor of decreasing farmers in Indonesia. The decline is due to several factors, including youth’s assessment that the agricultural sector is unprofitable, less prestigious, and synonymous with poverty. It is necessary to know young farmers’ strategies who are still surviving in the agribusiness sector. This strategy can be used as a reference for young farmers individually or in groups in carrying out agribusiness activities. The Katenzo community is a farmer group in the Pangalengan sub-district consisting of young farmers. The Katenzo community has 13 members engaged in the horticulture sub-sector agribusiness, 13 members will be the informant in this case. This study aims to identify various internal and external factors that affect horticultural agribusiness development in the Katenzo Community. The research was conducted using qualitative methods with case study techniques to find out various in-depth data according to the object’s conditions and uniqueness. The research data were obtained through observation, in-depth interviews, documentation, and literature study, then be analyzed using the IFAS, EFAS, IE, and SWOT matrix. Based on the results of the IFAS Matrix, the total score for the strengths and weaknesses of the Katenzo community is 2.564. The total score of the EFAS Matrix obtained from the threat and opportunity score is 2.534. The results of the IE Matrix show that the Katenzo Community is in cell V, namely Hold and Maintain.


agribusiness, community, development, horticulture, young farmers

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20961/sepa.v18i2.49644


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