Chariq Kifni Samurod, Waluyo Waluyo


This study aims to determine the application of the regulation of the minister of education and culture number 6 of 2021 regarding technical guidelines for regular school operational assistance and to find out the problems and obstacles experienced at the Bringin 1 State Junior High School related to the management of the Regular School Operational Assistance fund. The type of research used by the author in this legal research is empirical legal research or non-doctrinal research to find out the conditions that occur in practice. In writing this law, the data collection techniques used include library research and field research or direct interviews with the school, in this case with the treasurer of BOS funds at SMPN 1 Bringin. Then from the research conducted by the author, it can be concluded that the implementation of the rules regarding the management of BOS funds at SMPN 1 Bringin is in accordance with the applicable regulations, namely Permendikbud Number 6 of 2021. Where it can be seen from each stage of BOS fund management that there are no significant problems, starting from the planning stage, management or implementation to reporting related to BOS funds, problems that arise include the lack of parental roles in managing funds where the parent element in the BOS management team is only 1 member, where the background of the students themselves consist of various regions and various potential achievements. also.

Keywords: Fund Management; Government Administration; Public welfare

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