Russilawati Russilawati, Nurlaila Kadariyah, Fajrianor Fajrianor


Abstract: Politeness is a set of behaviors between people that show feelings of comity or in other words it is a strategic of conflict avoidance and showing regard for others. Politeness principles proposed by Leech in 1983, it has six principles call by maxims. In daily communication, the maxims sometimes break by people, this is call flouting. This research is focused on classifying the types of flouting politeness principles which have been done by speakers in a course call Cross Cultural Understanding. The data in this research were collected by reading the documentation meetings and taking notes of the dialogues that consists flouting of the politeness principles using data cards, then the selected data analyzed using the theory and the interviews with the person that did the flouting. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that all the maxims in politeness principles had been flout. Flouting of politeness principles, they are; flouting maxim of tact (1), flouting maxim of generosity (4), flouting maxim of approbation (2), flouting maxim of modesty (3), flouting maxim of agreement (7), and flouting maxim of sympathy (1). The most common purpose of the flouting maxim is when the speakers have different opinion from others and being more active in the teaching learning interaction.


flouting; politeness principles; classroom interaction

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